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Same Cafe

Coconut Red Lentil and Thai Yellow Curry soup.  Greek Quinoa and Feta Salad.  Kohlrabi, Garlic Scape Pesto and Irish Cheddar Pizza.  Made from scratch and mostly organic.  This was my lunch last week at the SAME Café at 2023 E. Colfax.  SAME stands for So All May Eat and what might be a bit surprising about the choices here is that the restaurant is a non-profit, operating on a “pay-what-you-want” model. The philosophy here is that everyone deserves to eat healthy food while being treated with dignity, and the mission is to create community through access to healthy food.

SAME is open for lunch Monday through Saturday.  When customers choose their meal, they are asked whether they’d prefer to volunteer ½ hour at the restaurant or to give a monetary donation, in exchange for their lunch.  SAME is partnered with many local farms, gardens and other organizations and staffed by hundreds of regular volunteers, in addition to people who chose to work in the restaurant in exchange for their lunch.

Lunches at the SAME Café are quite tasty, healthy and made daily from scratch. It really does feel like a community, with a diverse group of people eating their lunches together.  It’s a restaurant and a concept worth supporting! Visit their website here.